Tonal Visions is an immersive art happening in the making.

The photographs presented here are offered in fine art limited edition prints, standard photo grade prints, gallery posters and greeting cards.

They are offered as visual mantras to help in recognizing the Source in us as often as possible. It is my belief that the road to enlightenment and significant change in our world is through the retraining of our minds by living from a more universal perspective. This is done by seeing ourselves as connected to a higher Source every other thought we have. It is a journey into our inner and outer ecology outlining that changing the inner environment holds the key towards changing the outer environment. It is a redefining of the relationship with ourselves and our natural surroundings, a poetic embrace with flora, fauna and the rest of the universe.

 To further their influence and impact, these photographs will be transformed into a multimedia immersive experience when a compatible venue and financing is secured. It is meant to be a walking meditation...a portal into wonder. The wonder of what we can become if we realize what our true identity really is. It's hope is to guide the viewer towards a personal revelation... an integral, transformational experience. 

The photographs are adventures to natural wonders all over the planet. Mankind is present in every image where  inner self is transmuting. The subject realizes that he carries within him the nature he abuses and starts exploring a deeper, more sacred relationship with all that surrounds him.

This project has spanned over a decade. If you are part of the immersive art community and searching for a project promoting  a higher consciousness through transformational entertainment, please visit the TONAL VISIONS web site at www.tonalvisions.blogspot.com/p/project.html or call Claude Charlebois at our toll free number (1-866-963-6699)

The purchase of the photographs will help further the vision and 10% of the profits will be donated to an ecological foundation of your choice.  




Video of New Realities interview